follow the exploits of our top xc pilots in world level international comps

Thursday, July 11, 2013

First flying day

After a LONG trip our gracious host Kiril met me at the airport for the 2 hour trip to Sopot. All along the way the sky looked awesome but as we rolled up to the house there still wasnt anyone in the air. I quickly threw most of my clothes on the floor of my room and got a lift over to the lift.
The reason no one was flying was that the chairlift was stopped. ..and the aussie team was sitting under a tree with blogging legend Ivan and Nick Scurlock.

So after a slight delay we went up to launch where the guys doing the Bulgarian Open had a briefing and Nick and Che and I went higher to find a spot without a glider on it (150 pilots in the comp).
Launched before the comp and quickly climbed out to 2300. Fantastic views, mountains up the back are about 2500m high, all grassy with big gorges. Day was excellent flying with 2-3m climbs, Che and I headed the opposite way to the comp, doing a lap of the ridge in the other direction, then catching the comp coming back from the first turnpoint and tagging along for a while, since i hadn't slept for several days, I called it a day after 2 hours and 50+ km and Che came into the LZ shortly after for about 60km.

In the Bulgarian Open, Brian made goal and Dave landed at the last turnpoint.

Brian tip of the day: Take out speedbar pulleys for that extra few km/hr.

I'll take my camera flying today for some more scenery pictures.

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