follow the exploits of our top xc pilots in world level international comps

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Antje, our beacon

...Yeah, big cheers to Antje. She really is the inspiration to this team. She has spent most of this event out on her own yet still has what a lot don´t have here, the ability to task it out unassisted. Look out for her return swan song- season ´09.
What do you get when you camp two pilots in a king bed together? About every shared communal disease (less the ones tranferred by contact for you dirty minded buggers!). I have succombed in a big way to Gavin´s head cold and after spending an hour at 3400m and close to freezing temps waiting for the start gate, my head was about to explode. One glide to the first turn point was all I could muster. Unfortunate given it was my best start yet at poll position. Rewarding though to hear the rest of the team bolster our standings here. Well done to all.
Off to bed to see if there is any substance in these expensive Mexican medications.


  1. Keep up the good work team and keep the posting coming too. Its not quite as good as being there but great to follow it thru your experiences.


  2. Congratulations Antje! Go team! I love the team spirit which you all seem to have. Awesome.
