follow the exploits of our top xc pilots in world level international comps

Friday, July 14, 2017

Pete on task 10

The organisers arranged for us to go later than normal to Rubio Launch east of Bassano as
it was raining heavily in the morning. Upon arriving to launch we were enveloped in thick
cloud and visibility around few metres. Jokes like ‘ we have arrived to Cloudbase’ were
made as we put in same extra layers for the cold.
Gladly soon after the sun appeared followed by the first thermals. A 58 km task was set and
with start just above launch. As is normally the case pilots played the suck into cloud , exit
and re enter cloud merry go round until we went blasting down the ridge and back. The pace
was fast and base very low at only couple of hundred metres above hill. After 20 fast km
shadowing on the course line forced the massive gaggle out into the flats were we worked a
1m/s climb to about 900m. Then this shadow began to make its way up the course line so
the race was on to stay in front of it. 130 pilots arrived about 100m over an industrial area
that had some filtered light on it. The ensuing madness of fighting over 0.2m/s claimed it's
victims , including all the Aussies except Gareth who showed amazing tenacity to hang on
for over 30 minutes to climb to 800m and then glide off with a group of 20 into the improving
conditions. After some great patient flying he came in 5th for the day, an amazing result that
places him in 10th in the overalls. The Aussie team is looking forward going out on a high
tomorrow, the last day which is forecast good .

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