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Saturday, July 20, 2013

Task 4

Task 4 - 121km ziggy zaggy

Had a bad start - low and backwards, but trucked along the ridge in search of some lift anyway, getting a good climb out in the sun. Today I touristed around the course at the back of the gaggle, and finished about 10mins behind the leaders. Fun flying with some decent lift for a change, mixed in with the usual scratchy 1m/s crappy sections.

The last 30km was all full bar, with my instrument reading -400m to goal at the last turnpoint (15km?) and arriving +1200m... holding full bar for that long makes my legs tired and my shoulders sore from hanging off the B's through the lift sections (+3ish).

I came in at 3hrs 40m, Brian lead the Aussies in at 3hrs 32, Che was in between, and KK visited the locals for an hour or so.

Launch Flowers
Dave getting some Mike Tyson in him

 Theres a pile of gliders under that Cloud....
Goal from too high

Todays paragliding boots pic

Tonights sunset

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